Monday, April 6, 2009

Kritter Kronickles Magazine

We have found something for EVERYONE!
Kritter Kronickles Magazine is not just a dog or cat magazine. This awesome publication covers so many kritters you will flip with excitement!
The May issue features BEARDED DRAGONS!!
Here is some history....

Kritter Kronickles has been in publication since January of 2008. What began as a pet lovers newsletter, has now turned into a full blown, gloss covered magazine filled with pages of information for all types of pet owners, and pet lovers.
Please visit their site and subscribe to this new inovation in pet publications!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Extra Produce

There seems to be a dilemma. I buy produce for my Bearded Dragon(s), and they don't eat enough of it before it all goes rotten on me! What can I do?

I have a couple of suggestions....

1. The grocery store tends to "bunch" some veggies together. Please remember that you can break off 2 banana's from a 6 banana bunch....or instead of buying the "3 lb. net of beans" go farther along down the isle, and just grab yourself a handful of fresh beans and throw them in a plastic produce bag.

2. "GUT LOAD". I found myself cutting some apple slices off the apple, and then a day later cutting from the opposite side, and then leaving the apple remains in the fridge to rot away. Well, not anymore!

I purchased a 20 gallon TALL fish tank and stand from my local Craig's List for $25.00. I set the tank up nice and clean NO SUBSTRATE. I got some egg cartons, 2 paper towel cardboard tubes & some driftwood. I put some Flukers water gels, Flukers cricket food, and ALL the EXTRA produce I had in my fridge right in with them!

If you treat your crickets with TLC they are PERFECT nutrition for your Bearded Dragon and they LAST A LOT LONGER!
P.S. If you include the paper towel cardboard tubes, to throw in with your crickets, this gives you an EASY GRAB! The crickets climb inside the tube so all you have to do is pick up the tube and shake it out into a ziplock bag to powder them!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

VALENTINES DAY Contest Winner....Feb. 20th drawing

Kate E. and "Muffin" the Bearded Dragon!
Kate and "Muffin" won a special $50.00
Valentines Day Gift Certificate to PETSMART!
Congratulations & HAVE FUN Shopping!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Where to get Crickets in the Winter?

I want to thank ALL of those special Bearded Dragon owners for submitting photo's of their AWESOME Dragons! Our winner Michelle and her Beardie "Bert" chose a PETCO Gift Certificate! HAPPY SHOPPING!!

I had an experience from Ghann's Cricket Farm that I was NOT happy with.
I was running low on crickets, and wanted to order more. I went to Ghann's Cricket Farm because they were GREAT on price.

I live in Syracuse, NY., to say it gets cold here is an understatement. I completely understand when cricket or worm farms will not deliver if temperatures reach a certain point.

BUT.... I put my order through 4 days ago, and I picked 2 day delivery. 4 days later, I was forced to go to Petsmart and grab some more crickets (which I did not want to do.)

I get home from Petsmart and I receive an email that my order was refunded. I WAS STEAMED to say the least. The delivery I waited days for, cancelled.

Well, here is something I found for you....CRICKETS AND WORMS 24/7 ALL YEAR NO MATTER WHAT....AND they also offer combo deals UNDER $30.00!

I got ALL of this for only $29.99!!

I learn as I go, and I share it all with you!

Monday, February 2, 2009


We would like to Congratulate owner Michelle and her precious Bearded Dragon "BERT". Michelle and Bert get to chose their PRIZE!

A $15.00 Amazon, Petco or Petsmart Gift Certificate

Just let us know Michelle & Bert and Congrats AGAIN!

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Substrate Debate

There are many that would argue the topic of suitable substrates (floor of the habitat)back and fourth. I am bold enough to DARE anyone to find just cause why newspaper on the bottom, and paper towel on top is not the BEST substrate for a Bearded Dragon.
Hygiene wise I believe this to be your best bet.
If you are planning to BREED that is another story entirely.
I use newspaper and paper towels period.
The advantages are FANTASTIC.
I can sleep at night and not worry that my Beardie is impacted with SUBSTRATE. To me that is one less weight off of my shoulders.
My newspaper & paper towel substrate doesn't clump or harbor bacteria.
Remember by process of "elimination" so to speak you can diagnose a lot faster and treat a lot faster.
For more information and education on Bearded Dragon Substrates click below.

This is one of my set up's.

Daisy Juanita on the top section. Jolene on the bottom section.

Monday, January 19, 2009

More Tidbits As We Go....

Do Dragons "EAT" other Dragons? YES. There are cases where Larger Dragons have eatin smaller/younger Dragons. So as a precaution DO NOT HOUSE Larger dragons with smaller ones. (Also, Dragons like to "stack" ontop of one another. The larger ones can "crush" the younger ones.)

Are Dragons Aggressive? Dragons ARE NOT aggressive by nature. This is what makes a Beardie a FANTASTIC pet (among other reasons!)

DO I Have To Bathe My Bearded Dragon? YES. Use Lukewarm water, I usually stick my elbow in the water to test it. You want the water warm, NEVER HOT. I bathe my babies in the kitchen sink. This is a GREAT way for them to soak the water in through their skin, or even drink some in their bath. Another WONDERFUL thing aboout bathing your Dragon is it relaxes them enough, and warms them enough to move their bowles, and they will POOP in the water. Using the Kitchen sink allows me to drain the poop fast and re-fill the sink with clean warm water. I bathe my Dragons 2x to 3x per week. Trust me this is a GREAT BENEFIT for them and for you.

Friday, January 16, 2009


This site is here for the benefit of Bearded Dragons and their owners.

I have researched a TON of different sources,
and I thought that I would share my knowledge with you.
There are so many business' out there to choose from.
There are price comparisons to be made.

There is an education that only comes from living day to day
with these awesome creatures.

I have read the books, researched tirelessly on the internet, and met some AWESOME people from Breeders to Veterinarians, to fellow Beardie owners.


You may leave comments, ask questions, lend your experiences,
add some information or Beardie Stories to share with everyone.
I encourage you to send photo's of YOUR Bearded Dragons to us, so that we may share them with everyone.

You can also WIN PRIZES!!

We have Beardie Trivia
Photo Contests....


We are here to serve you and your precious Dragon(s)!
God Bless,

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Feeding Your Bearded Dragon Part 2

Once you get your crickets and your REP-CAL Powder, get a zip lock bag.

With Feeding Tongs or Tweezers, get the crickets into the zip lock bag, pick up enough powder (usually I grab the powder between my thumb and forefinger.) and then throw the powder in the bag with the crickets.
Lightly shake the zip lock bag. Now you have successfully dusted your crickets and made a GREAT appetizer for your Bearded Dragons!

After the appetizers, I go to work on the Main Course!
I NEVER make the same meal over and over again. I like to keep my Dragons guessing!
*** Remember:

VEGGIES I USE ARE: Butter Lettuce, Boston Bib Lettuce, Kale, Collard & Mustard Greens, Parsley, Dandelion Greens, Green Beans, Endive, Carrots Zucchini, Peas, Escarole, Alfalfa (fresh from the produce section) Carrots, Tomato (I use Tomato every blue moon).(You can also use Green Bell Peppers, Butter Squash.)

A NOTE ABOUT LETTUCE: Do not feed your dragons iceberg lettuce as is has very little nutritional value and may give the dragon the 'runs' - prompting dehydration.

FRUITS I USE Cantaloupe, Apples, Blueberries, Blackberries, Peaches, Pears, Grapes, Figs, Banana's (including the skins), Plums, Raspberries, Water Melon, and Strawberries.
INSECTS I USE: Crickets, Silk Worms , Phoenix Worms, Butter Worms, Wax Worms (*High in fat so remember to feed sparingly), Meal Worms, Grasshoppers, and Goliath Worms. (DO NOT FEED Goliath worms to jouvenile Beardies, as these guys are HUGE.)

Store Bought/Prepared Dragon Food I Use: I like to use Rep Cal Brand Jouvenile Bearded Dragon Food. This food has small ball like bites that you can soak in juice. I have soaked it in Apple Juice, V8 Pomgranite and Blueberry Juice, and Sunny D (Smooth).
Just A Note About Silkworms : They are naturally the healthiest insect you can get to feed your Beardie. You just can't beat the low-fat content & nutritional value of a silk worm. Silkworms are a high source of Calcium, Protein, Iron, Magnesium, Sodium, and Vitamins B1, B2, and B3.

Things I Have Learned: Super worms. My Vet told me that Super worms are a VERY aggressive worm....They can LITERALLY EAT THROUGH the inside of a Bearded Dragon. So, He suggested that IF you are going to use SUPER WORMS as food, CUT THEIR HEADS OFF before feeding them to your Dragon. ( I tried this for about 2 days and got completely grossed out. So now Super worms are NO LONGER a part of my beardies diets.)

KEEP A SPRAY BOTTLE Full of water around at all times. "MISTING" your Bearded Dragon everyday is a GREAT way to keep them hydrated. A nice SLOW MIST they love it! I also MIST THEIR FOOD. One or two little trigger pulls will do it. This is just another way to keep your Dragon taking in water.

Meal worms: Have hard shells. These can be hard to digest. Be careful not to feed them to your Beardie often. I feed my Adult Beardies the Medium/Small Sized Meal worms 2 - 3 times per week.

The photo on your left is my famous Once A Week "Dragon Taco". I use 1 Full Washed Piece of Butter / or Boston Bib Lettuce. I then chop yellow squash,tomato, green beans, and apple into very small pieces. I lay all of the chopped foods ontop of the piece of lettuce ( you may put a pinch of REP-CAL on to garnish!) THEY LOVE TO TARE LETTUCE! (Again I do this ONLY once per week all other days I chop the lettuce finely for them for proper digestion.)

When I refer to "Fun foods" or "Treats" I mean to feed your beardies these SPARINGLY. TINY PIECES. These are in NO WAY to be substitute for a "Meal" for your dragon.
Applesauce, Fruit Yogurt, V8 Pomegranate and Blueberry Juice, Apple juice, tiny piece of a Fig Newton Cookie, Sunny D Smooth Juice, Baby Foods, Whipped Cream From A Can and Banana Cream Pie. In the summer, I BBQ Skinless Chicken. I rip off tiny pieces and hand feed the cooked chicken to my Beardies (They Love It!)
We have these topics coming soon:






(Special Breeding Column Series By
Lynn Benjamin Owner of Carolina Designer Dragons)





Monday, January 12, 2009

Feeding Your Bearded Dragon PART 1

You will find a TON of information on the internet on what to feed your Bearded Dragon. But stay here.... I have already researched it for you.

Here is what I found to come in handy.

Remember: Variety is the spice of life!

The diet of a JUVENILE DRAGON (2-4 months old) will consist of approximately 80% Insects and 20% Greens.

ADULT DRAGONS are the opposite 80% Greens 20% Insects.

JUVENILE'S should be fed 2 to 3 times per day. If insufficient food is fed, young dragons may nip at the tails and toes of their cage mates.

ALL Dragons need their vitamin suppliments, no matter how much variety you offer. I found REP-CAL CALCIUM WITH VIT. D3 Ultrafine Powder to be a GREAT source of everything the Beardies need to maintain good health.
This is so easy to use. My ritual is : Crickets are the appetizer.... I store the crickets for my adult beardies in a 10 gallon tank with a screen hood. I feed my crickets the BEST! Remember the better you feed your crickets (called "gut loading") the better your beardies eat! (You are what you eat after all!) If you purchase your crickets at a pet store like Petco or Petsmart....
I say this because it is SO MUCH CHEAPER to purchase crickets in bulk online! I also recommend for quality crickets. Remember do not get the SAME SIZE crickets for ADULT AND BABY Beardies.

Follow the rule of thumb....

A Bearded Dragon SHOULD NOT eat anything that is BIGGER than the space between their eyes.
I am giving you a TON of information.
The Best I truly know of as of now.
Part 2 coming within 72 Hours.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Welcome To A Dragons View

I am not an herp expert. However I currently share my home with 4 Bearded Dragons.
It all started over the spring of 2008. I saw an ad on the local Craig's List to adopt a Male Bearded Dragon for $90.00.

However, when I inquired, I was told that the male had died, and she had a female available for sale with a 40 gallon breeder cage. I had no idea what a 40 gallon breeder was???

(to the left is the 40 gallon breeder cage/tank that I got with my 1st Bearded Dragon Daisy.

So for $125.00 I purchased a 6 month old female Beardie that the people had named "Daisy". (I decided to keep the name they gave her as not to confuse the dragon!)

I NEVER had a reptile before. I read up on Bearded Dragons before I purchased Daisy, but NOTHING is the same as owning, and going through things for yourself.

I want to share what I am going through and experiencing with my dragons with you. I want you to share your experiences with me. I hope that this site will be a resource of help, and knowledge for ALL BEARDED DRAGON OWNERS.

God Bless,