Monday, January 12, 2009

Feeding Your Bearded Dragon PART 1

You will find a TON of information on the internet on what to feed your Bearded Dragon. But stay here.... I have already researched it for you.

Here is what I found to come in handy.

Remember: Variety is the spice of life!

The diet of a JUVENILE DRAGON (2-4 months old) will consist of approximately 80% Insects and 20% Greens.

ADULT DRAGONS are the opposite 80% Greens 20% Insects.

JUVENILE'S should be fed 2 to 3 times per day. If insufficient food is fed, young dragons may nip at the tails and toes of their cage mates.

ALL Dragons need their vitamin suppliments, no matter how much variety you offer. I found REP-CAL CALCIUM WITH VIT. D3 Ultrafine Powder to be a GREAT source of everything the Beardies need to maintain good health.
This is so easy to use. My ritual is : Crickets are the appetizer.... I store the crickets for my adult beardies in a 10 gallon tank with a screen hood. I feed my crickets the BEST! Remember the better you feed your crickets (called "gut loading") the better your beardies eat! (You are what you eat after all!) If you purchase your crickets at a pet store like Petco or Petsmart....
I say this because it is SO MUCH CHEAPER to purchase crickets in bulk online! I also recommend for quality crickets. Remember do not get the SAME SIZE crickets for ADULT AND BABY Beardies.

Follow the rule of thumb....

A Bearded Dragon SHOULD NOT eat anything that is BIGGER than the space between their eyes.
I am giving you a TON of information.
The Best I truly know of as of now.
Part 2 coming within 72 Hours.

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