Monday, January 19, 2009

More Tidbits As We Go....

Do Dragons "EAT" other Dragons? YES. There are cases where Larger Dragons have eatin smaller/younger Dragons. So as a precaution DO NOT HOUSE Larger dragons with smaller ones. (Also, Dragons like to "stack" ontop of one another. The larger ones can "crush" the younger ones.)

Are Dragons Aggressive? Dragons ARE NOT aggressive by nature. This is what makes a Beardie a FANTASTIC pet (among other reasons!)

DO I Have To Bathe My Bearded Dragon? YES. Use Lukewarm water, I usually stick my elbow in the water to test it. You want the water warm, NEVER HOT. I bathe my babies in the kitchen sink. This is a GREAT way for them to soak the water in through their skin, or even drink some in their bath. Another WONDERFUL thing aboout bathing your Dragon is it relaxes them enough, and warms them enough to move their bowles, and they will POOP in the water. Using the Kitchen sink allows me to drain the poop fast and re-fill the sink with clean warm water. I bathe my Dragons 2x to 3x per week. Trust me this is a GREAT BENEFIT for them and for you.